The City and the Sky


“Overcast sky,” 2015. Oil on canvas, 80 by 120 cm.


“Fragment of another world,” 2015. Oil on canvas, 70 by 100 cm.

“Where is Charlie Marlow’s boat,” 2015. Oil on canvas, 50 x 70 cm.


“Invisible wilderness,” 2017. Oil on canvas, 60 by 90 cm.

“Monotonous bends,” 2016. Oil on canvas, 42 by 60 cm.


“There was a silence,” 2014. Oil on canvas, 40 by 60 cm.

“Vanishing flatness,” 2016. Oil on canvas, 40 by 60 cm.


“Impenetrable darkness,” 2015. Oil on canvas, 70 by 100 cm.